
Saturday, December 29, 2012

We HEART Aruba

Okay, I'm obviously a few weeks OKAY Okay a month behind on this post but I told myself I had to post about our tropical vacation before I talked about (Hopefully that happens before News Year...but based on my record I probably wouldn't count on it.)

This vacation was our first big vacation Mr. A and I had ever really taken like this before (well minus our Belizian Wedding) but that was different. This vacation was just us...24/7 of us, with nothing and no one on the agenda, and it was just perfect!! As I started to sort through our 500 photos all I could do was smile and zone into my happy place. Because it is...and it was an amazing place and an amazing vacation!

Our stunning view from our room! 
The white sandy beaches we walked on everyday...
 ...and basically what we did everyday!
We did venture out of the water a few times and try some island things like a trip on the Kukoo Kunuku Bus! Its a little crazy bus that takes you bar hopping around the island. 
I think the pictures explain it
One of our favorite dinners where our table was in the water at sunset. PERFECT!
The day we went sailing and snorkeling...
 and finally our amazing views at sunset...
 Aruba will always hold a special place in our hearts with amazing
memories we will never forget.


  1. The photos of Aruba are breathtaking. What a fabulous location for a vacation. Glad you had a great time!

  2. The best!!! So glad you guys had a good time!

  3. Amazing. I am so glad to see you two so happy!
