
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fair Food - Fair Fun!

This weekend we went to the OC Fair.  For Mr. A this is one of his favorite summer time traditions. We have been going every year since we meet, so we are on year 7 people! I always think we might get bored but the fact is between the food and seeing what crazy gadgets Mr. A will buy it doesn't. This year was no different we tried the deep fried cookie dough and Mr. A bought a new slicer dicer. Okay Okay the truth be told Mrs. A might be getting a little into the crazy fair gadgets too...there is just something about being at a place with deep fried everything that makes you do crazy thing. I will keep you posted if the purchase was good usually they aren'!  
I don't have a picture of all of us but we went to the fair with Kevin and Lindsey and Ms. Peyton.  Look Adam holding a kid...Amazing!! 
Another picture of Peyton. She had so much fun - and loved seeing all the animals!
Last but not least my all-time favorite Fair tradition! Black & White photos booth pics. I cant even tell you how many we have. This started as a fair tradition but now it doesn't matter where we are.


  1. The fair is one of our favorite family traditions too! And we definitely can't leave without the photo booth pictures.

  2. Brings back memories of the L.A. County Fair.....
